The story is an inspiring journey of self-discovery. An inward spiritual journey paralleled by an external quest to explore America in search of meaning and adventure. Because the terrorist attacks of 9/11 took place three days into that journey, the America he was discovering was one very different than ever seen before.
Passionate, Romantic, and erotic, Pink embraces life while scrutinizing it through a third eye's view, in turns mystical, cynical, and full of absurd humor.
"His art continues to push boundaries without apology and without oppression. I came to find myself inspired by Pink in ways I little expected. And that, it seems to me is real art." - Central Voices Magazine
Caesar Pink’s novel “The Murder of the Holy King” evokes an explosion of emotions and feelings. It is the philosophical mutterings of an artistic soul, an “On the Road” for our contemporary and confused times. Pink has a way of throwing America back in its face. It leaves you with a desire to create, violate, and rebel. - Williamsburg, Greenpoint News.